Bacteria is Dangerous

Bacteria is Dangerous : Everyone’s awareness about cleanliness has increased whether corona is good. Compared to the past, everyone is taking more care in terms of health. No matter how many precautions are taken, the seven items used in daily life are dirtier than the toilet seat. Countless bacteria and germs are accumulating on them. This matter was revealed in a study conducted by an American mattress manufacturing company. Let’s see what those things are.

Smartphone : A smartphone is the first thing that is dirtier than a toilet. It has ten times more bacteria than the toilet seat. Many studies have already shown that the germs that constantly stick to our hands from the environment can reach the smartphone from there. So, the phone should be cleaned regularly with a wet cloth dipped in soapy water and using antibacterial.

Key board : Next to the smartphone is the keyboard. According to a University of Arizona study, the average keyboard has over 3,000 bacteria per square inch. Clean it using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner with a brush.

Refrigerator : Refrigerator is one of the most touched things in the house. According to a University of California study, there are over 500 bacteria per square inch on the refrigerator door. However, most studies show that the bacteria on these items may not cause much harm. We can stay away from common diseases by cleaning the environment around us and the things we use regularly. Almost every house uses pillow (mattress). The study warned that if you use it for a week without washing it, there will be 17 thousand times more bacteria than on the toilet seat.

Mouse : A mouse is also one of the dirtiest things. No matter how much you rub it with sanitizer, the dirt on it doesn’t come off quickly. A University of California study concluded that 1500 bacteria per square inch are accumulated on it.

Remote Control : The remote control is also on the list of dirty things in the house. A Houston University study has clarified that there are 200 bacteria per square inch.

Washroom Knobs : Washroom is one of the most used places in the house. Public washrooms are used by many people. Hundreds of bacteria accumulate on these knobs. It is better to clean them regularly.

Water Taps : Water Taps are also touched by many people during the day. This is also becoming a habitat for germs. It is better to clean it with detergent with the same hand while washing hands.

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