False Daisy Plant / Bhringaraj Plant

False Daisy/Bhringraj Leaf : Using this leaf is sure to increase hair growth.
False Daisy/Bhringraj Leaf plants grow profusely during the rainy season wherever they fall on the banks of water and on the ridges of crop fields. It grows from one to two feet above the ground and has white moss on its stems and branches. Divine medicine for long-term diseases: It prevents all types of phlem and vata diseases due to its spicy, bitter taste and heat-inducing elixir.

Bhringraj Leaves : Bhringaraj leaves should be crushed with a little water and the paste should be applied to the head, dried and then bathed. This same juice should be filtered in a cloth and put in drops in the nose and inhaled. This prevents problems like chronic headache, heaviness, brain weakness, and premature graying of hair.

If you grow this one plant and use only the leaves to make an oil, your hair will be long and strong. Seed collection is easy. It is better to take pure sesame oil and mix it with False Daisy/Bhringaraj leaves and use it.

If enough water is added to False Daisy/Bhringaraj /Guntagalagara leaves, flour in a cloth and the juice is poured in the mouth and gargled for five to ten minutes, the problems like oral coating, tongue coating, cracks on the tongue, mouth sores etc. will be removed.

Depending on the age, take five to ten grams of leaves, grind it with a little salt and mix it in half a cup of water. If you drink this strained juice in the morning and in the evening an hour before meals, stomach pain, flatulence, intestinal disturbances and constipation will be reduced.
False Daisy/Bhringaraj leaf works as a good medicine for skin diseases. Grind these leaves with water and apply the paste on scabies, eczema, rashes, itching, sores, boils, wounds and other skin problems. Bathing after an hour will gradually eliminate them. Or socked fingers, finger powder, home-made turmeric powder should be mixed in equal milk and stored. Taking half a spoon of this mixture twice will reduce skin diseases.

Also put the cleaned Carrom Seeds in a lump of soil and pour the juice of False Daisy/Bhringaraj leaves till it sinks and soak it overnight. The next day, if you put the vessel in the sun and mix it in between, all the juice will go into the seeds in the evening. Let it dry well. After that the seeds should be dried, sieved and stored.

Add a teaspoon of powder in a cup of fresh water, mix well and drink twice an hour before meals. By doing this gradually, depression and anxiety will decrease. The liver, which has health problems will return to its natural state. All the problems like burning soles, palms, itching, pain, cracks, dry skin, darkening, chapped lips etc. will decrease.

This leaf also works for liver problems. False Daisy/Bhringaraj/Guntagalagara leaves and branches are washed, crushed and strained juice should be taken twice daily at the rate of one quarter cup an hour before meals. By doing this regularly, inflammation of the liver and spleen will be reduced. This purifies the blood. Growth is also included.

Diseases like skin diseases, constipation, impotence etc. will also disappear. Leprosy also subsides completely during the year. But leprosy patients should take it only with cow’s milk. As mentioned above, if three to four drops of the juice of False Daisy/Bhrinagaraj leaves are taken in the nostrils and sucked, the bad phlegm from the nose will flow like water, the breathing will be regular and the respiratory diseases will be reduced.
False Daisy Plant : For diseases related to the eyes, if the juice extracted from the crushed green leaves is strained in a cloth and one or two drops are applied to the eyes, conjunctivitis, inflammation, pain and redness caused by it will reduce in two or three days. Mix the leaves with some water and chew. Filter the resulting juice.

If you take a quarter cup of these leaves and mix them with three pinches of salt, ground pepper powder and two spoons of lemon juice and drink them two times an hour before meals, your appetite will increase in two or three weeks.
For body strength, the juice extracted by chewing False Daisy/Bhringaraj/ Guntagalagara plants should be filtered through a cloth and drunk in a dose of 1/2 cup to 1/2 cup. After that, a spoonful of alum powder should be taken in a cup of cow’s milk. If you take this regularly for forty days, you will get incredible stamina within a few months. Due to the medicinal power of these plants many diseases are prevented.

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