Tapioca Pearls/Sago/Sabu dana

Sago rice has many benefits. Instant relief from summer heat.
Sago rice is also one of the substances that are very beneficial for our body. Sago rice contains many nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamin C and calcium. If we take 100 grams of stuffing, we get 355 calories, 94 grams of carbohydrates and fats. That’s why our body is immediately stimulated in whatever form we take the stuffing. Immediate relief from fatigue especially in summer. Besides this, there are many more benefits with this wholesome rice. And let’s know that.
Benefits of Sago Rice

  1. Sago rice has astringent properties. These are boiled with milk and sugar and eaten as a pudding. Those who walk in the sun can take this stuffing payasam to protect them from sunburn.
  2. Even if we work a little in summer season, we get tired quickly. Energy in the body quickly depletes. Such people get instant energy if they eat stuffing.
  3. Consuming this stuffing for obese people will melt fat in the body. Cholesterol levels in the body are balanced. Therefore, apart from being healthy, you will also lose weight.
  4. People with digestive problems can gradually get rid of those problems if they eat Sago rice. Problems like gas problems and bloating can also be solved with Sago rice.
  5. Consuming Sago rice in case of diarrhea gives immediate results. When suffering from fever, dysentery and other ailments, taking the stuffing in the form of java gives relief.
  6. Sago rice is also useful for strengthening muscles. Vitamin K improves brain function.
  7. As the filling is rich in calcium, it controls BP and lowers blood cholesterol.
  8. Stuffing is high in potassium. So blood circulation goes smoothly and prevents heart related diseases.

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