Bitter Leaf Tree

Vernonia Amygdalina (Bitter leaf) – a member of the Asteraceae family – a small shrub that grows in tropical Africa

Bitter Leaf: If you eat the leaves of this plant in the morning. Diabetes will be cured within a week.
Many people are suffering from diabetes these days. Irrespective of age from children to old people are affected by this diabetes disease. They are taking medicines regularly to control their sugar. However, sugar does not go down in many people. But in our country only one plant is working amazingly on sugar. If the leaves of this plant are eaten daily in the morning on an empty stomach, the sugar level will be controlled. The name of this medicinal plant is Vernonia amygdalina.

The plant was planted at the Forest Research Center in Haldwani, Uttarakhand. Also known as bitter leaf locally. If it is taken in the morning on an empty stomach for a week sugar will be under control.
Forest Officer Madan Singh Bisht said that this plant should be eaten continuously in the morning on an empty stomach. It is bitter. But it is very good for our body. Checker has revealed that it keeps the levels under control. Diabetes increases the blood glucose level in the body. If you have a similar disease in your family or someone you know this plant will be very useful for them. Madan Singh Bisht said that it is a boon for diabetics.

Vernonia amygdalina plant is very important in Ayurveda. The leaves of this plant control the sugar level of diabetics. By chewing the leaves in the right amount every day, blood diabetes can be controlled to a great extent. A natural chemical in this plant converts sugar into glycogen. Moreover, it increases the metabolic process. Forest officer Madan Singh Bisht said that there are many chemicals in its leaves which reduce the risk of diabetes. Many types of nutrients such as proteins, terpenoids, flavonoids, antioxidants, ascorbic acid, iron, b-carotene, corsolic acid are also found in the leaves of this plant.

Want more information about this plant? Want to plant in your house? You can visit Haldwani’s Forest Research Centre. It is near Sushila Tiwari Hospital. For more information contact number 9412958527. This plant is also found in many places in Telugu states. The tree is called bitter leaves tree.

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